Bethsheba Oyuga
Procurement Officer
Message from the Procurement Officer
The Procurement Department plays the role of procuring goods and services for the institution all year round. The procurement process involves continuously updating a standing list (s) of registered suppliers as required of a procuring entity, preparing tender and asset disposal documents to facilitate fair competition.
The office is also charged with the responsibility to prepare, publish and distribute procurement and disposal opportunities including invitations to tender and to request for quotations and proposals, pre-qualification documents and invitations of expressions of interest.
At Ugenya Technical and Vocational College, the Procurement section has managed to coordinate the receiving and opening of tender document as well as coordinating the evaluations of tenders, quotations and proposals, prepared and published tender awards. The section continues to prepare contract documents and debriefing letters in line with the award decision. The process ensures transparent and above board procurement process and the general management of the institution procurement functions.
The Procurement section, lead by the Procurement Officer, acts as a secretariat to the evaluation, inspection and acceptance and disposal committees and also coordinates the internal monitoring and evaluation of the procurement process.
The department is striving to improve its relationship with all stake holders and departments through teamwork and cooperation. This will ultimately make Ugenya Technical & Vocational College a highly recommended technical training institution in the region.